Save Those Precious Drops: Water Conservation Tips for the Home

There are many reasons to care about saving water. Droughts are becoming more widespread in recent decades, and conservation helps minimize the effects of a drought. Opting to reduce water usage also helps preserve the environment. Unfortunately, many people think that making changes at home is not enough to make a difference. On the contrary, every effort to conserve water helps, which increases water availability for essential services within our communities, such as fire departments, hospitals, street cleaners, and gas stations. Here are eight conscious choices to make at home to save on your water usage every day:

Invest in a low flow toilet

The average person flushes the toilet five to six times per day. Toilets use the most water of all the appliances and fixtures in any residence. Therefore, replacing an old toilet with a new WaterSense Toilet saves water expenditures and bills. Families that opt for low-flow toilets that are EPA-approved save nearly 13,000 gallons of water and almost $140 per year.

Install low flow showerheads and faucets

Low-flow faucets focus on water efficiency and save thousands of gallons of water every year. In addition, showerheads with a low-flow design do not diminish quality or comfort. Instead, a water-conscious showerhead lets you save on water and not feel a difference in your shower experience. 

Get plumbing leaks fixed immediately

Leaky faucets and other minor plumbing leaks throughout your house add up. If you suspect a leak or notice a spike in water bills unexpectedly, get your home plumbing inspected right away. Fixing small leaks can save thousands of gallons of wasted water each year.

Save rainwater in barrels for later use

By adding a large plastic barrel to your yard to capture rainwater, you can water plants practically for free. Depending on the size of your yard, find a thick plastic barrel that can collect rainwater and be used later for all of your outdoor washing and watering needs. 

Replace inefficient appliances

Appliances on the market today are much better at providing eco-conscious and water-conserving options. For example, toilets, washing machines, and dishwashers use the most significant amounts of water at home. Install new appliances with a WaterSense label, and you can find your at-home water usage reduced by more than 20% of your regular use. 

Turn off faucets when not in use

Turn off the faucet while you're brushing your teeth. Please don't start the shower and walk away for a few minutes while it gets warm. Having the tap on only when you need it saves countless gallons of water each year and still gets the job done. Another enormous impact on water savings is taking shorter showers. Try setting a timer or reminder to get out of the shower a few minutes earlier than usual to get into the habit. 

Wash dishes in an energy-efficient dishwasher

Older dishwashers got a bad reputation for using lots of water and still fail to produce spotless dishes. Today, some dishwashers use less than 3 gallons per cycle. Case in point, using a dishwasher saves more water than washing dishes by hand. But, it is essential to use an appliance that has upgraded efficiencies. Look for an Energy Star certified model, and you can save more than 5,000 gallons of water every year. 

Save water, reduce your bills, and preserve the environment

The less water we use in homes and businesses, the less we pay to supply that water usage. Limiting the amount of water we use reduces pollution, creating less stress on the environment and our communities.

If you need an honest, dependable plumber in the Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe, or Chandler area, call Jimmy at 480-757-1273.Our residential plumbing services include water heater, faucets and sinks, drain cleaning, toilet repairs and installations, and backflow prevention. We also provide commercial plumbing service for business owners.