When Should You Get Professional Drain Cleaning?


Drain cleaning comes in many facets. Snaking, hydro-jetting, rooter service, and camera inspections are all used today to clear out pesky clogs and keep drains up to the task of clearing out waste every day from homes. However, having an issue with your drains is not only cumbersome. Clogs can lead to future problems with showers, toilets, sinks, and other everyday appliances and may even cause sewage backups outside and within the home. 

On the other hand, keeping up with a regular cleaning schedule for your drains prevents the need for new pipes and costly repairs. So what are the signs that it is the right time for professional drain cleaning? We will share the answer to that vital plumbing question here:

Slow drainage 

If one or more drains throughout your home begin to drain slowly, it’s time to get them cleaned. Waste, gunk, and grime rush through pipes with every flush and tap water usage, and that sludge sticks to pipes over time. After months of buildup, the drains will no longer work effectively. 

A professional plumber often determines whether a simple drain snake will do the job or whether you need hydro jetting. Hydro jetting cleans the interior of the pipes using highly pressurized water. This method is deemed safe, effective, and has the highest accuracy of drain cleaning options without digging in the yard or any other potentially invasive procedures. 

Constant clogging

Stop reaching for the chemical drain cleaners when you have a clog. Not only do chemicals often get stuck in your pipes and slowly eat away at the plumbing, but they are also not improving the health of the piping system. When clogs continue to recur, it likely means that the issue was not remedied but just postponed. Instead, a professional drain cleaning specialist may use cameras to inspect the area to determine the root of the clog and then use appropriate tools to remove the clog for good.

Foul odors 

Kitchen drains emitting horrific smells are due for a cleaning. Food waste, oils and grease, and other particles jam up drains and lead to awful smells in the kitchen. Stinky odors coming from any drain throughout the home for longer than a day or two should notify a homeowner it’s time to clean out those drains. Not only can the stench get worse, but it is often related to more severe problems requiring extreme plumbing measures or repiping. 

Prevention is key

Many of the telltale signs to get your drains cleaned often come with unpleasant effects. Instead of waiting for a stinky kitchen or annoying clogs, you can use drain cleaning services as a preventative method. 

Even if there are no issues, you should still get the drains cleaned. Hair, soap, food particles, and grease often head down your home’s pipes each day. Therefore, most professional plumbers recommend getting drains cleaned once every two years. Not only does professional drain cleaning keep your plumbing lines running more smoothly, but it will also mitigate the potentially expensive or gross aftermath that dirty drains bring.

If you need an honest, dependable plumber in the Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe, or Chandler area, call Jimmy at 480-757-1273.Our residential plumbing services include water heater, faucets and sinks, drain cleaning, toilet repairs and installations, and backflow prevention. We also provide commercial plumbing service for business owners.