Why Have Regular Plumbing Maintenance?

We have a terrific customer. We will call her Mrs. T. Mrs. T. is a senior citizen who we consider to be a pretty savvy homeowner. She has had a problem with leaks in the past, and her solution was to get moisture alarms and put them beneath the sinks and other places where leaks might occur in her home.

Alarming problem

Adding to that was the fact that she rigged her alarms up so they’d set off at the slightest bit of moisture--as little as a few drops. But, here’s the drawback: She doesn’t have a water softener.


As much as some people don’t care for them, a water softener takes the hard minerals out of the water. When hard water attacks plumbing, it does so gradually and quietly.


When Mrs. T.’s moisture alarm went off beneath her kitchen sink, she called us, and we came out to give her a hand. As it turned out, Mrs. T.’s problems were twofold. First, one of the valves beneath the sink was leaking. Second, her kitchen faucet was leaking. Although neither leaked enough to set the alarm off right away, they were the tiny leaks we plumbers see quite often.

Hard water

Customers see it, too. They call us for one thing, and we tell them that there are more issues at hand. We don’t just make this up! When a customer has hard water as we do here in the Valley, it can be destructive on pipes, fittings, fixtures, and appliances. It doesn’t have to be leaking to know that it is calcium-encrusted and vulnerable to leaks. The problem with a tiny leak is that it will continue to grow, wreck the cabinet, flooring, drywall, and whatever else it comes in contact with that isn’t waterproof. All of this can cost way more than a maintenance visit from your plumber, non-inclusive of mold and other hazards associated with leaks.


Not everyone can have a water softener. In Mrs. T.’s case, she is in a condo where there just isn't space to put one. For those who have the area (such as inside a garage), the cost of a water softener can be offset by the amount of money for plumbing, soap, etc. it saves. For those who don’t, a visit from your friendly plumber for regular plumbing maintenance is another solution, one who can find plumbing issues before they break or get out of control and help prevent problems before they start.

If you need an honest, dependable plumber in the Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe, or Chandler area, call Jimmy at 480-757-1273.Our residential plumbing services include water heater, faucets and sinks, drain cleaning, toilet repairs and installations, and backflow prevention. We also provide commercial plumbing service for business owners.